Is flutter the next big thing? - future of cross-platform
Before learning about flutter we must known answers of questions :-
- What is Flutter?
- Why is flutter used?
- Which language is used in flutter?
- How do you make a flutter app?
- Is flutter worth learning?
- Why should I use flutter?….and many more
So before starting i would like to say i started learning few days back and new to this platform and it’s interesting :)
What is flutter ?
So, Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia.
Flutter was released in May 2017. It has written using the C, C++, Dart, Skia Graphics Engine. Flutter works with existing code and ease with which it has been provided to create participants and organizations around the world.
This is the basic thing you should know about flutter its basically used to create Android/iOS mobile application and it is the future of mobile development.
Yes you read it right… it is future of mobile development because it is superior technology for front-end development, and will be even more so in the future. Google has created an open-source developing framework for mobile applications known as Flutter. It is utilized as a developing platform of apps for Android and iOS.
Now comes the question Why is flutter used?
So answer to this is the SDK is free and launched as a source developer to explore and create powerful tracking applications around. It is the reason for apps and interface made with flutter.Flutter builds from a single codebase, compile directly to the native arm code, Use the GPU and access the platform APIs and services.
Which language is used in flutter?
For android development Java/Kotlin are the programming languages, for cross-platform development using flutter, DART is the official programming language.
Dart is AOT (Ahead Of Time) compiled to fast, predictable, native code, which allows almost all of Flutter to be written in Dart. … Because Flutter apps are compiled to native code, they do not require a slow bridge between realms (e.g., JavaScript to native). They also start up much faster.
Is flutter worth learning?/Why should I use flutter?
App development in FlutterThe Flutter mobile SDK powers super fast and creating beautiful apps. Developers love it — Dart is very easy to learn, and reactive UI makes programming very straightforward.
Now, after reading all these things about you must want to know
How do you make a flutter app?
For Android:-
- Step 1: Create the starter Flutter app. Create a simple, templated Flutter app, using the instructions in Getting Started with your first Flutter app. …
- Step 2: Use an external package. …
- Step 3: Add a Stateful widget. …
- Step 4: Create an infinite scrolling ListView.
these are the basic steps you should know to create flutter(Android).
In my next blog i will be telling each steps to create the flutter application and different widgets in flutter.
Happy Reading :)